Infrastructure Cabling Solutions

Infrastructure Cabling Solutions

Commercial / Industrial / Residential


  • Owner, Alan Franklin has been in the business since 1989 working in the Charlotte Metropolitan Area as well as the entire East Coast. Gaining experience through the years from general residential hardwiring and wireless applications to large scale commerical networking.

    Projects include work for Apple, Google, Michelin, Firestone as well as US Homeland Security

  • Structured and Network Cabling for computers, cameras, appliances, wireless access points as well audio, telephone and internal paging systems. We can also connect your network with multi-mode or single-mode fiber to ensure you have a high speed data network .

  • While every project is specific to each client, rates are based on location and building structure as well as level of complexity.

  • Best known for leaving a site better than it was found, we include all demo, cleanup and removal of replaced systems.